Sunday, May 26, 2013

Creating Your Own Reality - My View Point

Can we really create our own reality?  Well, the answer is yes, and no!  We can create our reality within the parameters of what already exists and within the parameters that circumstances and other people have already created. That is to say, we do not have the power to create our reality as we may exactly want it - to do that would require that we have total control of everything - which is impossible.  This would imply that you could control other people and change the laws of physics etc.  To date I have never met anyone who can do this. And even if it were possible what sort of person would want to do this?  It would mean reducing other people to robots with no freewill of their own and also having such power over Nature that one would be in very lonely position.  To be continued.....

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Horizons and Common Ground

Hi all,

The following is nearly where I am now at in my "spiritual" journey:-

I would call myself an agnostic atheist as per the list given by Richard Dawkins in his book "The God Delusion".  Many things have lead me to this new position which I shall go into at a later date, but living without superstition is one of the best things I have every done!

However, remember, I still love you all!

Take care of yourself and each other!

All the best,


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Subscribe to my Newsletter!

Hi all,

For all those who would prefer to receive the contents of this blog via my Newsletter "Keeping Things Krystal Klere" please email me at and I will add you to the list.  This is actually the way most of my posts are disseminated currently and have been in the past.

I don't know why this is - maybe it is something to do with technology which I am still not totally up on.  To me it seems to be changing all the time.  I had to have "tagging" explained to me about Facebook the other day and I am still not sure I understand totally.  And please do not inundate me with explanations as you have in the past.  I am sure you are all well intentioned but my inbox gets flooded out.  But still I consider it to be flooded out with Love - even so I still don't have time to look at them all!

As always,

Be blessed and Love another,


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

My Autobiography Coming Out!

Hi all,

Sorry it has been so long since I posted.  I have been in and out of hospital in the last six months and have also been running two support groups for people abused in their childhood and also for people who have a particular disability.  Both these groups are confidential and it has taken time to set them up!  They are both held in the Sacred Place where I now live.

I have also been pressured to write my autobiography by various individuals and organisations and so have decided to do so. I have set aside 6 months to write this and hope to have it ready by this Christmas.  It is particularly important to do it at the end of 2012.

The first reason is to help the change of consciousness which I believe is happening this year to go in the right direction and also if it is published after 21/12/12 to prove to the pessimists that the world is not going to end on that date!

Thank you for all the prayers and love you have sent me over the last six months.  I hope this blog is now back on track!

As always,

Blessed be and love one another.

With regards,


Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Current State of Things

Dear Friends,

There is a very sad state of affairs in Britain today and the world at large.  As many of you know I have not been able to write this blog for some time because of my own struggles with the system, both in terms of health and disability and struggling to get the benefits and housing I need. Many of you also know that my husband died several years ago so I am coping more or less on my own at times, (although thankfully I have great friends and all you lovely readers who I adore.)

Above is a picture of a couple who committed suicide after being let down by both the benefits system and also Social Services.  They were struggling to live on £57.00 a week and were walking six miles to go to a soup kitchen.  This is in 21st century Britain. They committed suicide because of benefits poverty.

I would love to say that this story is exceptional but I know as a voluntary Welfare Rights Officer that it is not.  It is being repeated day in and day out all over the UK.  And in my view it can only increase with the coming of the new tests of eligibility for welfare benefits.  Even today I was watching a programme where it was proposed that the long term unemployed should have to work for their dole money.

Well I also think the long term unemployed should be helped into working by doing this - helping them get a real job at least at the minimum wage.

The poor, the vulnerable and those unable to fight back, (or those at least perceived to be unable to), are being targeted by the Government for cutbacks.  And why?  To bail us out of the mess we are in that has been caused by some corrupt politicians and irresponsible bankers running a financial system that has been shown to be internally corrupt in it how it is set up anyhow. Oh and just to make things worse the Government is spending £5 billions pounds every year on illegal and immoral wars taking the lives of many of our own young people and thousands more of innocent civilians.

Truly I do believe if there is intelligent life in the Universe it would not want to come here.

However I do not want to end on a pessimistic note.  There are millions of people all over the world fighting back and the whole financial mess is raising consciousness at least. For every corrupt banker and politician there are many more ordinary people who are waking up to how the world is really being run and many wanting to do something about it.

Congratulations I say to the Occupy Wall Street Movement .  Congratulations to all the peaceful protesters against the system.  Congratulations to all those disabled people who are distributing information on the Internet.  Congratulations to everyone who is standing up to the system overtly or covertly. Congratulations to all.  In these actions, we, all caring people are in it together.

Thank you to all those who emailed me after my recent hospital collapse and remember I love you all.

Until next time,

Be cherished,


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Return to the Garden - Or Returning the Evils to Pandora's Box - Part Two

Hi all,

Today I will conclude with Part Two of my subject.  The picture to the right represents the story of Pandora who opened a box and let all the Evils into the world and kept back hope.  For those who want to know more about this story please go here.

The reason I included this story is that it demonstrates my earlier point that most cultures have a narrative about Evil getting into the world.  Or what can generically be called the Fall - that is when humankind fell from the Paradise that they were supposed to live in.

That is why I believe that our task one earth is to facilitate a return to the Garden.  For some that may take the form of reaching Paradise in Heaven.  For others it may be Nirvana.  And for others it may mean creating that Paradise here on Earth.  Whatever for it takes that I believe is the primary spiritual journey of anyone on earth.

Part of the journey may be the perfecting of ourselves or of our service to God or humanity - but I believe that these goals while laudable in themselves are not the end of the journey.  The journey can never be just about ourselves as individuals because whether people realise it or  not we are all One.  Therefore the return to the garden must involve other that we now in our limited perception see as separate from us.  In reality the Return to the Garden is a collective journey of many souls.

Many people believe that we at a special time in spiritual journey of humanity and it is reaching critical mass.  I believe this may be so because the Evil spawned since 1914, (the start of the First World War), has been unprecedented compared to any other time.  We have used our technology to enhance our capacity for greater and greater violence both physical, (war, rape etc) and mental/emotional, (certain types of pornography and child abuse etc).  And of course all violence leads to spiritual damage.

I do not personally believe that the Return to the Garden has changed in type in recent years - it has been going on since humanity first left.  However I do believe it is speeding up and intensifying in these present years.  That is why the old structures like the economic systems are breaking down - and why the earth is going through great climate changes etc.

Something is going to happen - but I make no forecasts as to what.  However this I do believe.  Whatever you believe to be true will - in a spiritual sense - be true for you.  You will shape your own Reality until we all are able to see the Actuality.  (Which I believe no - one absolutely no-one on this earth knows the full truth about - and I would suggest you run a mile from any person or organisation that makes this claim.)

I would also suggest that you avoid any simplistic philosophy that suggest you can create your physical reality simply by your thoughts.  This is dangerous nonsense.  I have not met a person yet whose thoughts can supercede the physical laws of the universe. If you meet such a person I would recommend you sent to James Randi  - he has a lot of money waiting for them.

Also beware of persons who claim that you can totally control your life and the world around you by your thoughts.  This isn't even physically logical and morally it its reprehensible.  Think about it - there are six billion people on this planet - do you think you control what they do?  And even if you could why would you want to - what about their desires and freewill.  Even the Creator has left people to operate with freewill - who would you be to change that - that would be manipulation and that is Evil.

Also beware of people who can claim to change your karma or your fate.  Who are they God Almighty Him and Herself? It is true we are all part of God but we are not God. And the majority of these people will alleviate you of great wads of cash in process and then tell you if what they predicted did not take place that "you didn't have enough faith" or something along those line.  Beware false prophets indeed!

You are your own best prophet.  Sure you can seek out guidance for your journey but the best guide you can have is the Voice Within and the very best guides are the ones who will help you to find that.

I look forward to seeing you in the Return.

Remember I love you all

And until next time,

Blessed be,


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Return to the Garden - Or Returning the Evils to Pandora's Box - Part One

Hi all,

After yesterday's post I started wondering what the ultimate purpose of life is.  What are we actually here for?  I had always supposed that our spiritual journeys were individual and that by completing them we were adding to the general collective good of humankind in a return to the Godhead. I used to believe in karma and reincarnation - but now I do not - rather I believe in Grace. However I do believe that reincarnation and karma may continue to exist for those who believe in the them.  They will manifest for those who believe in them - but ultimately they are illusions.  Those who believe will remain on the wheel simply because they believe there is a wheel.  But to me ultimately the theory of karma is immoral.

I first came to reject the theory of karma because I had contact with ignorant and simple minded New Agers whose idea of it was so simplistic that they saw it in a linear sense and thought that if people were born disabled, ( for example), that they were being punished for bad deeds in a previous lifetime. I consider this an immoral philosophy for three reasons:-

(a)  As Buddha said we cannot really know even if karma exists whether these people are being "punished" or whether they are Bodhisattvas come to help save humanity.  Therefore do not judge. Take the compassionate view and help them with their pain.

(b)  The assumption that bad deeds must be met with punishment in such an obscene way is in itself immoral.  The way of Love forgives.  People who commit wrongdoing need understanding and healing - not yet more pain.  People do wrong because they are already in pain.  Heaping more pain upon them never helped anyone.  A brief look at our prison system confirms this.  Prison doesn't heal people - in general it just creates better and more embittered criminals.  If some people do go to prison and reform I would suggest this is in spite of, and not because of the prison, experience.

If we in our limited human view can see this - how could the Creator of the Universe which is Love put people through the horrors of the Holocaust to learn a "lesson"?  The next time you come across someone who promulgates this view of karma examine them very carefully.  I would suggest you will see a person with a vindictive personality which is then projected into and justified by their beliefs. As I have said "Show me what sort of God a person worships and you will see the state of their soul".

(c)  This simplistic view of karma promotes a callous attitude personally and socially.  It leads to situations like the Dalits of India who are treated as subhuman because they are considered outside the caste system because of their "karma".  If you believe someone is responsible for their lives and they deserve and believe in karma you will hardly want to help them - because they got what they deserved through they application of some morally neutral "law".  On the other hand if you acknowledge that we are all wrongdoers and that Evil exists in the Universe and that because of this some people suffer injustice that is not of their own doing you are more likely to be compassionate and to want to help them.  If you go further than that and realise that sometimes people are responsible for their own situations, (because of what you have observed of their situation in this life) but forgive them anyway and want treat them with Love then you will be at one with the Mind of God.  Indeed you may help them get off the illusory wheel and help them move into the experience of God which is Grace.

In short you will be helping them Return to the Garden.

More will follow on this subject.......

Remember I love you all so,

Until next time,

Blessed be,